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Exam Preparation

Exam preparation is an extremely significant when it comes to achieving the grades you want and your ability deserves. It is essential that students plan their revision period effectively. Ensure that you leave time to go through all of the past exam papers and learn exactly what the mark schemes are looking for in a model answer as this will shape how you approach the questions in your final exam. At Ilkley Tuition all of our GCSE and A Level tutors are focused on helping students to revise effectively and prepare for their exams in the most efficient way. Exam preparation and revision technique are two areas that are neglected in most schools as teachers simply focus on their subject content and don't necessarily have time to go through the best ways to revise the material or how to plan that revision into an effective exam plan. If you or your child are looking for a tutor, whether it is in GCSE English or A Level History, then Ilkley Tuition can help by providing excellent tutors who have all the subject knowledge along with the experience to help your child prepare for their exams. Contact us today for more information about our tuition services in the Ilkley area.

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